Monday, June 30, 2008

Back to the blog

Hey all - I'd be surprised if anyone's checking this blog for updates anymore, considering it's been months since I've posted anything! Anyway, I've moved to Dallas, found an apartment, fallen in love with my job, and bought a Vespa!

No wonder I'm so tired!

Anyway, I'm going to transition this blog from all about me to all about the things I'm working on, things that interest me, and, to be honest, a lot of stuff about social media and non-profits. I've started religiously reading blogs like Beth Kanter's blog on non-profits and social media and Museum 2.0.

Apparently I'm going to be in charge of the museum's social marketing strategy, anything from Twitter (Follow me!) to Facebook to... whatever else I can figure out. This also includes writing a blog, so I'll be updating here more regularly to get my writing style back!

Newest find: Be The Media, which describes itself as a Social Media Empowerment Guide for Nonprofits. I'm joining in with the community in hopes I can share and (especially) learn about how I can use Web 2.0 to get interest up, increase attendance, and, most of all, share the mission of this amazing museum I get to work for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope you'll come join the "We Are Media" project wiki and share your ideas.